Navigate to a variety of pages with different materials for your first steps at the piano. Find books for learning to read music and begin laying a technical foundation. And do not forget that learning piano can initiate a discovery of the magical world of music which goes far beyond learning to play some pieces on the piano.
Piano Methods etc. for Children
There is an overwhelming amount of materials for children from different ages and educational systems with various types of emphasis. On the following pages you will find books for beginners. These lists are not graded compilations - see the pages for the preliminary and all other grades as well as diplomas in another section of the website.
On the following pages you will find lists with materials for adults who would like to start learning the piano. Especially in the recent decades the market has been flooded with various types of books for adults as it is becoming more and more popular to start learning piano later in life without having had any previous music tuition as a child.