Piano Grade 8 Materials | Scales

Grade 8 - Practise Scales

Learn, practise and play scales for the piano grade 8 exam.

📖 “Personally, I practice scales in preference to all other forms of technical exercises when I am preparing for a concert. Add to this arpeggios and Bach, and you have the basis upon which my technical work stands. Pianists who have been curious about my technical accomplishments have apparently been amazed when I have told them that scales are my great technical mainst—that is, scales plus hard work. They evidently have thought that I had some kind of alchemic secret, like the philosopher’s stone which was de- signed to turn the baser metals into gold. I possess no secrets which any earnest student may not acquire if he will work in the laboratory of music long enough. There are certain artistic points which only come with long-continued experiment. As the chemist finds the desired result by interminable heart-breaking eliminations, so the artist must weigh and test his means until he finds the one most likely to produce the most beautiful or the most appropriate result. But this seeking for the right effect has little to do with the kind of technic which necessitates one to keep every muscle employed in piano-playing properly exercised, and I may reiterate with all possible emphasis that the source of my technical equipment is scales, scales, scales. I find their continued daily practice not only beneficial, but necessary. I still find it desirable to practice scales for half an hour a day.
Wilhelm Backhaus in James Francis Cooke's Great Pianists on Piano Playing

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Download Exercises and Manuals for Improving Grade 8 Scales

👉 Duvernoy, Jean-Baptiste Manuel théorique et pratique des gammes, Op.304

👉 Lemoine, Henry Méthode théorique et pratique pour le piano

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