Piano Grade 3 Materials | Aural

Grade 3 - Practise Aural

A collection of books for learning aural skills for the grade three test.

Get the ABRSM Aural Trainer app for grades 1 - 8.

Aural skills consist of listening, sight-singing, clapping rhythms and dictation. There are various teaching systems and terms including the solfège. The orientation for this particular page is primarily the ABRSM board but if you are looking for further literature and books with exercises for all levels check out the Aural Skills Page. In lessons there is a synthesis of various teaching methods which are complemented by the ABRSM approach when pupils are preparing for exams.

📖 "Developing the ear is of the utmost importance."
Robert Schumann

📖 "Ear training is also of very great importance. Most students hear, but they do not listen. The finest students are those who have learned how to listen. … The sense of aural harmony cannot be too definitely developed. The pupil who cannot identify chords … by ear, stands about as much chance of entering the higher realms of music as the student who does not understand a word of Latin does of comprehending a page from Virgil when he hears it read to him."
Joseph Lhevinne in Basic Principles of Pianoforte Playing

🔔 Reload the page a few times if you see orange widgets instead of books and music.

Materials for Aural Training for Grade Three

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