Piano Music - Ludvig Schytte

Ludvig Schytte

1848 - 1909
Ludvig Schytte was a Danish composer, pianist, and teacher.

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👉 25 Melodious Studies, Op.108

👉 Die Schule des modernen Klavierspiels (School of Modern Piano Playing), Op.174

25 Etudes modernes, faciles et progressives (25 Modern, Easy and Progressive Studies), Op.68

Leichte charakteristische Etüden (Easy Characteristic Studies), Op.95

👉 Musikalische Bilder für kleine Leute (Musical Pictures for Small People), Op.94

👉 Erzählungen und Märchen (Tales and Fairy Tales), Op.96

Explore Recordings of Ludvig Schytte's Music

Ludwig Schytte - Piano Concerto Op. 28 
Oleg Marshev, piano
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Matthias Aeschlbacher, conductor

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