Ludvig Schytte
1848 - 1909
Ludvig Schytte was a Danish composer, pianist, and teacher.
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Find Piano Music by Ludvig Schytte
Or Download Some Piano Music by Ludvig Schytte free on IMSLP
👉 25 Melodious Studies, Op.108
👉 Die Schule des modernen Klavierspiels (School of Modern Piano Playing), Op.174
👉 25 Etudes modernes, faciles et progressives (25 Modern, Easy and Progressive Studies), Op.68
👉 Leichte charakteristische Etüden (Easy Characteristic Studies), Op.95
👉 Musikalische Bilder für kleine Leute (Musical Pictures for Small People), Op.94
👉 Erzählungen und Märchen (Tales and Fairy Tales), Op.96
Explore Recordings of Ludvig Schytte's Music
Ludwig Schytte - Piano Concerto Op. 28
Oleg Marshev, piano
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Matthias Aeschlbacher, conductor
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