Piano Music - Henry Purcell

Henry Purcell

1659 - 1695
Henry Purcell was an English composer of the Baroque era.

📖 “Christ is made the sure foundation.”

📖 „Music and Poetry have ever been acknowledged Sisters, which walking hand in hand support each other; As poetry is the harmony of words, so music is that of notes; and as poetry is a rise above prose and oratory, so is music the exaltation of poetry. Both of them may excel apart, but sure they are most excellent when they are oined, because nothing is then wanting to either of their perfections.“

📖 “I attempt from love’s sickness to fly.”

📖 "Poetry and painting have arrived to their perfection in our own country; music is yet but in its nonage [immaturity], a forward Child, which gives hope of what it may be hereafter in England, when the masters of it shall find more Encouragement."

Quotes by Henry Purcell

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