Piano Music - Henry Lemoine

Henry Lemoine

1786 - 1854
Henry Lemoine was a French music publisher, composer, and successful piano teacher. Lemoine was a harmony student of Reicha, he published much of Chopin’s music and firmly established the company’s production of educational materials by publishing Berlioz’s Traité d’instrumentation (1844) and his own methods for piano, harmony and solfège among many others.

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Download Henry Lemoine's Piano Music

👉 Lemoine, Henry Méthode théorique et pratique pour le piano

👉 Lemoine, Henry Etudes Enfantines Op. 37

Download Scores of Piano Duets by Lemoine

👉 Lemoine, Henry etc. Ecole de la mesure et de la ponctuation musicale, 100 pièces pour piano à 4 mains (2e édition augmentée de pièces par Albert Lavignac, Théodore Lack, Francis Thomé et André Wormser)

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