Piano Music - Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer

Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer

1656 - 1746
Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer was a German Baroque composer.

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Keyboard / Piano Music by Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer

Sämtliche Werke für Klavier und Orgel, ed. E. von Werra (Leipzig, 1901/R) [W]

Les pièces de clavessin, 8 suites, kbd, op.2 (Schlackenwerth, 1696, 2/1698 as Musicalisches Blumen-Büschlein), W

Ariadne musica neo-organoedum, 20 preludes and fugues, org, op.4 (Schlackenwerth, 1702), W

Praeludia et Fugae per 8 tonos ecclesiasticos, org (Augsburg, n.d.; repr. 1732 as Blumen Strauss … in 8 tonos ecclesiaticos eingetheilet), W

Musikalischer Parnassus, 9 suites, kbd (Augsburg, n.d.), W

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