George Dyson
1883 - 1964
George Dyson was an English musician and composer and director of the Royal College of Music in London.
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Piano Music by George Dyson
The Open Window, 8 pf pieces, op.12a; 6 Lyrics, pf, 1920
Epigrams: 10 short pieces, op.9, pf, 1920
Twilight: 4 preludes, op.14, pf, 1920
My Birthday: 3 Little Pieces, pf, 1924
Prelude and Ballet, pf, 1925
Primrose Mount, pf, 1928
Bach’s Birthday: 4 Fugal Sketches, pf, 1929
Revelry in D, pf, 1938
12 Easy Pieces, pf, 1952
Prelude and Postlude, org, 1956
Voluntary in D, org, 1958
Variations on Old Psalm Tunes, org, 3 books, 1959–61
Fantasia and Ground Bass, org, 1960
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