"Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend." Beethoven

Library for pupils

Over ten years ago, Natalia started acquiring books which would be of interest for pupils - children as well as adults - in order to create a lending library. Now there are general introductory books for people who know very little about music as well as various more specific categories of books about theory, instruments, composers, musical eras, history, philosophy, aesthetics and many other things. Natalia's collection of academic books on music etc is also available for pupils.

Borrowing books is free and fines do not exist but there is a library book in which pupils and teacher sign when books are taken out and returned.

Sheet music is usually not lent.

The financial organisation of the studio does not allow offering pupils free access to subscription services such as Naxos, Oxford Music etc but pupils are encouraged to explore these options individually.

Since the inception of the project a remarkably insignificant quantity of books has been withheld by pupils who refused to return items to the library and so the project continues in the hope that these occurrences remain in the minority.

Library Catalogue

Books are catalogued on LibraryThing.

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